Contact Facebook Customer Service

Welcome to our guide dedicated to assisting individuals in need of Contact Facebook Customer Service. Let’s navigate through the various contact options and ensure your contact facebook customer service experience is seamless and satisfactory.


Help Center

Learn how to use Facebook, fix a problem, and get answers to your questions.

How to contact Facebook: Here’s how to access support for problems with your account

The first is “Help Center.” Clicking this option will direct you to Facebook’s Help Center page, which is a searchable nexus of help articles.



How do I contact Facebook customer service directly?

Facebook support number

Facebook operates two phone numbers with Palo Alto, California, area codes: 650-543-4800 and 650-308-7300.

Can I contact FB by phone?

And to be clear, Facebook does not have a phone number for regular users to call. It does have an online help center, located here. (Facebook pays NPR and other leading news organizations to produce live video streams.)

Does Facebook respond to support emails?

#5 Use direct email addresses

Additionally, there are a few email addresses you can use to contact Facebook support. The majority of the time, you’ll receive an immediate reply from an autoresponder, but you may also receive a real response from a Facebook consultant as a follow up.

Does Facebook respond to complaints?

When something gets reported to Facebook, we’ll review it and take action on anything we determine doesn’t follow our Community Standards.

How to Contact Facebook For Account Help – How …

Facebook doesn’t encourage people to contact it via email. However, in the past, Facebook listed a few email addresses that you could use to contact Facebook directly. You can still try sending an email to one of these email addresses and possibly get a response. There’s no guarantee, though. Your … See more

When you think of contacting a company for help, you likely first think of placing a call to talk to a customer service representative. Unfortunately, reaching Facebook support by phone is nearly impossible and not … See more

These days, one of the ways you can contact a company is by tweeting them on Twitter, and Facebook is no exception. You can send a tweet to one of Facebook’s Twitter handles, and possibly get a response. … See more

One more way you can contact Facebook directly is through forms. Facebook makes several forms available that you can use to submit requests or report problems with your account or someone else’s. Here are some of the forms … See more

If you didn’t get a response from Facebook’s phone number, email, or Twitter account, use the platform’s “Help & Support” menu to get help on many matters. This menu lets you access the site’s Help Center, … See more

How to contact Facebook: A step-by-step guide to get support

 · USA TODAY We hate to break the news to you: Facebook does not staff a team of customer service representatives working the phone lines to help you with a …

How To Contact Facebook Support & Live Chat | UPDATED 2023

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